
The Evil One

Oh look what I found! It's Maleficent! >:) I was rummaging through my dad's old balikbayan boxes and I found her among other Disney toys. It was perfect timing I feel like creating a one-light photoshoot for her!  I used my desk lamp to create something eerie for her shoot. Thank you Lightroom for the colors. LOL Wicked! >:) A close-up shot of...

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Yay! Figure.FM's POTD

Yay! I'm happy to see my Handmaid Sawako entry was chosen as Figure.FM's Picture of the Day for June 20, 2012! Here's the link for their site to view my picture: http://myfigurecollection.net/picture/455196 ...

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Burger and Fries

Azunyan wants to share her food~ :3 I bought a lot of food erasers the other day and I thought of setting up a dining-room like theme for my toys. It took me like, 3 hours (almost!) to set everything in place! My setup was so simple but the positioning of the nendos are the hardest part LOL coz you need to balance...

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Handmaid Sawako

Poor Sawako... she just finished cleaning the floor then suddenly, a bad, dirty kitty walked in and stained it.. ...

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