
Kawaii Usagi Mayoi

2:39 AM

Mayoi as a bunny? Why not? :3 I was beyond happy when I finally got her last weekend and had already posted a few shots of her that day which was posted on my Facebook page. She's such a cute Nendoroid and I've already made a few photo sets for her together with the others but I'll be sharing this one first.

I used a cute pink bunny costume (from an old doll) and made major alterations to it so it would fit Mayoi. It was such a good day to shoot outdoors and the morning sun just made the lighting so perfect. :) 

Hello there you cute little bunny you :3 
I made this as my Facebook's cover photo!

The rabbit wants to play hide and seek!

Here's what I did to make the costume fit, I taped the loose part of the costume behind her back, making her look chubby but she looks super cute anyway, so it's okay. :3

I also have white bunny and a brown bear costume which I've yet to shoot together with my other Nendoroids. I wish I could find a tiger costume for Taiga LOL. 

Love, Pinkcheeks~

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  1. Mayoi looks so cute in that outfit! Congrats on getting her

  2. This isn't even fair. I'm physically melting right now. You may have just photographed the cutest thing in history. Nothing will ever be cute again.

  3. Awww lovely pictures of bunny Mayoi, she looks quite adorable.
    I love the second picture with the silly face XD
