
Pink DSLR Bag at Last!

I've been searching for a girly camera bag since I got Teej coz my heart screams for girlyness that puts my Black Tamrac bag to shame. It's not that I'm not grateful coz I remember myself asking for that bag as a freebie back then..but... BLACK? T_T So, I've looked everywhere for that perfect camera bag for myself! I searched online for "pink...

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Banchetto Night at The Forum

I was so excited to end my shift that day 'coz I'll be seeing my good friend, Kyonds for another foodtrippin' night at Banchetto -The Forum. If you're wondering, Banchetto means 'feast' in Italian and wow, what a feast it is when you're there. I have to say sorry to my diet that night 'coz I can't help but ogle, coz I'm completely...

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This is a test post from , a fancy photo sharing thing. This is a test post from , a fancy photo sharing thing. ...

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Otakuness. LOL.

Oooh look at what I found! Wow it's been AGES since I created these! OMG I missed drawing my own manga! I found this while cleaning my old stuff and I kinda felt nostalgic LOL. You see, I've been such an anime fan ever since, then I was inspired to create my own series hahahaha! I created two, I think... but I never...

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