
First Birthday Gig

Thank God for the blessings! I just got my first birthday gig yesterday *ka-ching!* ^_^ I'm so happy it turned out right! :) Thank you so much Sheryl! I hope you'll get my photobooth next time! :) ...

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Smile and Say Pink!

I'm so stoked, I just opened my new business, Say Pink Photobooth Services and it's the best birthday gift for myself! ^_^ For the love of photos I choose a photobooth business coz I like it, and know how fun it is to have your pictures taken in the wackiest way together with your friends. My sister suggested the business name, and I...

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One Light

I was so happy with what I bought the other day, a Prolite DS150 professional studio flash. I got it at D'24k in Hidalgo, Quaipo (yes, I can go there by myself now lol) and I'm gonna use it for business purposes of course, but I had to test it first hahaha! It comes with a 9ft steel stand, a 40x60 softbox and...

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