
Arcee, Transform!

I honestly didn't know there's a female autobot. Really. I've seen the Transformers and I never noticed a female robot in all of those 3 movies. That's until my buddy gave me my first ever robot, Arcee from the Autobots! I'm not really a fan of anything mecha when it comes to figures, but since Arcee is a female and she's pink...I loved...

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What Would Psyduck Do?

A WILD SHIKI appeared! Psyduck: LOLWAT?! What would PSYDUCK do? WHAT AM I GONNA DO?! Psyduck used CONFUSION! It didn't work!!! Psyyy.... OMG SPARE ME...Shiki...SPARE MEEE! ...

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Figure Review: Ryougi Shiki 1/7 Scale by Good Smile Company

Yes, this is a figure review blog post...and yes, this is my first time doing a figure review! I'll be reviewing Ryougi Shiki, a 1/7 scale figure from Good Smile Company. She's the protagonist of the action-drama-thriller anime, Kara no Kyokai or The Garden of Sinners. A little background for Shiki: this mysterious, poker-faced girl has an ability to see death through her...

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Yay! Featured again!

Getting featured at Figure.fm is synonymous to many things like, uhh, payday...eating chocolate cake...smelling a newly opened PVC figure...getting unlimited milktea... It's just pure bliss. :) Hey, it's a premiere website for all things figures and Japanese culture. It's Danny Choo's brainchild of a website for all things Japan whattheheck hahaha! Yeah. I'm that shallow. But in euphoria! HAHAHA! So I'm happy my...

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My Dream Photoshoot with Momohime: Part 2

I just knew the setting would be great for her. I've seen awesome toy photography where those pretty scale figs have this reflection on water and I've always wanted to recreate that scene. ALMOST. Hahahaha! I'm pretty confident I pulled that off for this set. Shot in Anawangin Cove, Zambales, I didn't mind wallowing into the warm river just to put her into...

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It's Taiga Appreciation Day!

Ciao, Taiga! Here's your daily dose of the Palmtop Tiger! LOL! Some shots were shown at the I-Juander TV segment last April. (Yes, I was on TV! Yay!) I've yet to post a blog about my TV experience so...wait and see! ;) ...

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Blogging in a jiffy

This application is in compatible with your device's location my a** :P So I just got the latest Blogger mobile app, and I can now post anything on my blog anytime, anywhere hahaha! I feel guilty for spamming IG and FB sometimes so my blog and my twitter is my hiding place. Charot. ...

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New Diecast Hauls: May 2013

I promised myself that I'm gonna stick to my monthly budget when it comes to my mini figure collection. I know I'll be wanting more diecast cars soon but these babies are good for this month. Though they're really cheaper than Nendoroids, I must resist the urge to hoard for more cars on my next trip to the mall! I'm just showing off...

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