
Kotobukiya ArtFX Supergirl

12:15 AM

One of many scale figures that Kotobukiya PH has sent me for figure photography last year was Kotobukiya ArtFX Supergirl. I have this story though -- I was beside the street when I took photos of her, as I wanted to achieve light trails from passing cars. Then, there were three guys who approached me while I was taking shots and I panicked a little because at the back of my mind, I was thinking they will mug me or something or just take Supergirl away. I even thought about running away but if I cannot take Supergirl because she's at the opposite direction where those men are (and I wouldn't want them to!). Soooo to make the long story short, I just didn't pay attention to their stares and just thought it's just their first time seeing someone doing toy photography at the street, might as well give them a show anyway. XD

I got a bit scared actually, so I didn't return to the same spot the next day. I just made an indoor shoot for Supergirl for a more closeup look of this awesome figure. 

I know there was also a Bishoujo Supergirl, that one is more juvenile looking than this ArtFX statue. I also checked the original artwork and this version is faithful to the original art, almost like taken out of the comic page. Oh, she kinda looks like Taylor Swift on some angles. XD

One thing that's totally standing out in this figure is how shiny she is. I like the lovely sheen on her suit and boots, I don't have much PVC figures to compare, but I kinda wish I'd see more of paint jobs like this on other figures. So smooth and shiny. :D

They didn't give her the dynamic pose like, the other figures has, which seemed too boring for me, but heck, if they wanted to go simple on her I guess that's okay. I also like how you can make her stand without using her base. These few pictures in the one I was talking about earlier. When I got her, I immediately thought of light trails for her photoshoot. I like how it turned good on my photos.

I hope you like this set! This was already posted on my Facebook page and I was just too busy to post it here on my blog for a quick write up, but hey, it's better late than never! :D

See you on my next blog post!


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  1. wow, the light trails were really good on her! but i'd feel the same if some guys suddenly seemed like a threat. XD uwaa. I haven't really done any outdoor photo shoots for that fact.

    It's nice that they made her suit shiny because it gives more hype effect for the figure! Thanks for sharing this ~I think I've seen this in your Facebook page but seeing more photos of it makes me more amazed!

    1. Hello there! I'm glad you like my photos! Yeah, thankfully nothing happened between me and supergirl hahaha! I should be more careful next time >.<
