WIP: Tenori Tiger - Part 2

11:29 AM

I will never give up on youuuuuu!

So, after a full-blown failure of my first attempt to make my Tenori Tiger, I manage to get back to my senses and start again, this time, using the right putty. Thanks to the awesome tut from the guys at Otakai, I was able to find it! *i should've clicked the link first* Anyway, ta-da~ I bought a Tamiya Epoxy Putty this time!
I bought it at Lil's Hobby Shop in Parksquare coz the branch in Megamall doesn't seem to have one. For Php195 you get two pieces of gum-like material and lots of air space on the box itself. Good job Tamiya for making me believe that I'm gonna get an inch-thick of putty on that box. Haha joining me this time is Konata and Hachi of course :3 See those cute faces :3
Oh and I also bought a Sculpey clay hehehehe! I'm gonna try this on a later time, I guess I have to learn first how to color the figures LOL. This one's Php169 at Hobbes and Landes (I went there coz I'm looking for a pink Domo-kun figure! Too bad the branch at The Fort Highstreet doesn't have one. I'll try tomorrow and check their branch at Greenbelt ...see? If I want something, I'll do anything to get it!) 
See how thin it is? I have to use rubber gloves to knead these two together. I don't wanna get finger prints all over LOL. Putting them together gave me the mold itself that I happily used to shape what my figure should look like :D It was NOT easy to mold a figure! The spatula I bought was totally useless! I had to fold and knead it and roll it until I got the shape I want. I thought the mold will stay soft for like, 5 hours, but due to the cold weather, prolly, I could feel it harden at each press after an hour or so.
 Hachi stares at the headless fig.
That's the first thing I made before the head. (It's so hard to mold the cheeks!) It's supposed to be round, but too much pressing made my fig's body flat huhu T_T but I like how the shape turned out though :D not too big or small, just right to make it stand at Hachi's head.
 Hahahaha oh yes, that's the finished product. I LOLed at it coz I realized I folded the mold at the center, making a butt for a face for my Tenori Tiger custom fig. LOL. But only at that angle though...i didn't bother too much coz I know I'm gonna color it soon hehe :P
 Hachi can't wait to see lilbuttface gets colored.

This is my first custom fig, okay? LOL. Had there been enought Tenori Tigers available, I wouldn't be making this one out of frustration. For the love of anime and anything else cute, I'm pretty sure I could pull this thing up. Now I have to decide when to color this thing.. =)

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