
My Journey Through Toy Photography

11:05 PM

I was overwhelmed this morning to see how many awesome people have liked my page overnight. Then it felt like Christmas when I saw Mayoi at the Good Smile Company's Facebook page!

I'm super duper happy when my photos are being shared to the world, it makes me feel that there's so much love for toy photography everywhere. I'm so blessed and thankful for this talent in seeing the life of toys and showcasing them through toy photography. ^_^

I guess it's very timely because it's #throwbackthursday today, I'll tell my story on how I got started with toy photography. I started putting up a fanpage for my lovely hobby way back in 2011. I choose Love, Pinkcheeks because "Pinkcheeks" has been my online nickname that I've used since college and I just added "Love" to it like an expression at the ending after you wrote a letter. ^_^ 

When was invited to do a portraiture shoot, but I kept myself busy in taking photos of my friend's paper danboard, instead of participating on the actual shoot itself LOL. It was my first time seeing something like that, then I became more fascinated when my friend told me that there's a real version of it which I then swore I'd get it myself.

Just look at this adorable little bugger!

My love for Nendoroids started when I first saw this picture of Azunyan, from nutcase-san at MFC, I even remember making this as my cellphone's wallpaper back then, so I bought my first two Nendoroids, Konata and yes, Azu-nyan! 

I'm so into tabletop toy photography back then... XD

I didn't knew much how to check for bootlegs and I also didn't care too. I just knew I'm super happy when I play with them and take photos at the same time. It's how you deliver the photo, not on the authenticity of the figures itself. 

Kirino was my first authentic Nendoroid and her first shoot was shot using ambient light, and I am loving it ever since.

When I traveled to Bohol in 2012, I brought a few toys with me and started shooting everywhere. I guess this is how  my love for travel + toy photography started. Here's my Android mini at the Man-made forest in Bohol.

Then from Nendoroids, I found love in taking photos of scale figures. I was beyond happy when my friend lend me his Momohime for an outdoor shoot.

I even brought her to Anawangin, Zambales! She's the top figure on my list and like I said before, it was such a dream come true!

Another milestone for me was when I got invited to take part at a local TV show, I-Juander that features toy photography. Kixkillradio should've been with us, but she couldn't make it at that time. The show was aired last April 10, 2013 and I was in euphoria when I saw my photos on national TV! Here's the video clip of the segment!

scroll to 4:05! XD

Two scale figures came in next after beautiful Momohime, I was thankful that I was able to shoot GSC's Ryougi Shiki, which I did a figure review here (my first ever haha!) 

Lovely profile of GSC's Ryougi Shiki

...and the epic Saber Motored Cuirassier!

I'm super proud at this photo, it got a POTD and POTW award at Myfigurecollection.net, and got a place as Picture of the Month! Also, this was selected as one of Toy Crew Buddies' Best of 2013 in toy photos on Instagram.

I was a versatile toy photographer and when I'm not taking photos of Japanese toys, I'm into diecast photography and the other stuff, like these McDonald's minions. There's no limit to toy photography as long as you have the imagination and creativity to go with it! ^_^

I also joined a few contests like GSC's scale figure contest and ToyCon2013 PH, which I didn't win, but it was such a great experience. :D

One of my entries at last year's Good Smile Company's Scale Figure contest.

Finally, my most favorite part of my toy photography is capturing still life images, it exudes so much drama and story, it makes you want to just get involved in the story it portrays. That's what I like most about toy photography.

From table top photography, travelling with toys, to just dramatic still life toy photography; I can say I've improved a lot when it comes to this craft. I am embracing this hobby with much love and will continue to do so until I made everyone knew the lovely art of toy photography. I still dream of becoming an official figure photographer someday, and I guess dreaming big is all part of this awesome journey! ^_^

Love, Pinkcheeks~

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  1. You've become a little celebrity ^^

    Cool to know where you came from and how you started to like "Toy Photography"
    The pictures show that you are no amateur at photography, it are always very good compositions of background, character and poses. It takes a lot of patience with poseabl toys :D

    is Ausa a bootleg? she looks like the real deal.

    keep it on, yor pictures are always nice and inspireing.

    1. Hello there Fabienne! Thanks for dropping by! Well, yeah I felt like a little celebrity when I saw myself on TV wahahaha! Yes, Azusa was a bootleg, I got reprimanded at MFC before for posting a pic of her wahahaha, good times.

      Thanks for appreciating my works! Cheers to toy photographers like us! ^_^

  2. keep rockin aiiiighhhtt, you're going just greaaaaaaaatt

  3. This was a great read. You've evolved quickly in a short amount of time! Love your outdoor shots, and the way you can tell a story with some very simple imagery. I always learn a lot when looking at your pictures, so I bet they've helped a lot of people improve their photography too! Besides, you must be an expert because you're on TV XD

    Congrats, hope you keep at it!

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Tian and I'm glad I help you in some way! :) ..and oh, I'm sooo far from being an expert! I'm just a humble toy photography enthusiast like you :)

  4. I love everything in this post. It just gives me more inspirations to continue toy photography despite the restrictions I currently have. I'm gonna continue this road and happily do it! It's been awhile since I've felt this great about something. Thank you so much for the inspiration. *_*
